Batchelor Institute of Indigenous Tertiary Education has accepted and is implementing the recommendations of a recent review by the Office of the Independent Commissioner Against Corruption Northern Territory (ICAC).
In September 2021 ICAC announced that it would conduct a review of Batchelor Institute’s practices, policies and procedures in order to identify where improvements could or should be made. The Institute pledged full cooperation with ICAC throughout the review.
In June 2022 ICAC provided its review report to the Institute, containing 27 recommendations. The Institute subsequently advised ICAC that it had accepted and had begun the process of implementing all 27 recommendations. In October 2022 ICAC confirmed that the review process had formally concluded.
Implementation of the ICAC recommendations is now ongoing. At present the implementation of 8 recommendations has been fully completed by the Institute, while 13 are in progress, and 6 are to be addressed.
Additionally, the Institute has undertaken International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 9001 Accreditation and aligned with ISO 21001 Certification. ISO provides a specific framework and a range of continuous improvement tools that will further develop the capability of the Institute to deliver desired results and improve coordination of processes.
Chair of the Batchelor Institute Council, Ms Pat Anderson AO, welcomed the recommendations, which predominantly focus on ensuring Batchelor Institute uses best practice policy and governance processes.
“The Institute is focused on continually improving processes and business administration, and is looking forward to seeing further improvements in business efficiency among staff as well as ongoing strong educational outcomes for First Nations students,” Ms Anderson said.
ICAC noted its satisfaction that the Institute had committed to implementing all 27 recommendations, and expressed its appreciation of the support and assistance of Batchelor Institute’s management and Council during the review process.
Following the conclusion of the review, Independent Commissioner Mr Michael Riches prepared a General Report to Parliament – Review of Batchelor Institute, which covers matters identified in the review report and aims to educate on points that may also be of relevance to a broad range of other public bodies.
The general report has been published and is expected to be tabled with Parliament this month.