The late Rosalie Lynette Kunoth-Monks OAM (1937-2022) holds a special place at BIITE. A former chair of BIITE Council, Mrs Kunoth-Monks was awarded an Honorary Doctorate by BIITE in 2019, “in recognition [as the citation reads] of her outstanding contribution to the welfare, recognition and advancement of Aboriginal people of Australia”. The state funeral for Ms Kunoth-Monks was held at the Desert Knowledge Precinct where BIITE’s Alice Springs campus is located and where her oil-on-canvas portrait by Ron Talbot, Rose of the Desert (2007), proudly hangs in the BIITE function room named in her honour.
Rose of the Desert will now be accompanied by the framed Honorary Doctorate gown and citation belonging to Ms Kunoth-Monks, courtesy of a BIITE 50th anniversary small project grant and the wishes of her family for BIITE to care for her gown in perpetuity. The gown has been immaculately framed by local Alice Springs framer Chapman & Bailey, a customised order which took some time to complete. As part of the same project grant, a number of doors from the former Indigenous Media Unit (IMU) at Batchelor were salvaged to become part of the BIITE Art Collection. These doors were painted in various designs and logos by former IMU students.